
If you suffer with DE I strongly encourage you to start a blog to document symptoms, progress and setbacks.

It will certainly help you get stuff off your chest (like when you want to saw your hands off because of the unbearable pain and itchiness, or when people look at your hands/feet and make a face of disgust) and it might help others to read that they are not alone.

If you have a blog, please post your link in the comments and I’ll happily add it here.

The Itchiest Itch – Seeking a cure for Dyshidrotic Eczema


I’ve been on this closed Facebook support group where I find tons of tips and active members: Dyshidrotic Eczema (The group)

This website helped me A LOT:
I got in contact with the lady that writes information on this link, she sent me a questionnaire to fill in with information on my DE. Itracornazole/Nystatin seems to work on most DE sufferers, but it’s a powerful medication so please do it under supervision of your dermatologist/doctor.


I am strongly against topical steroids/cortisone. It masks the symptoms and only creates more problems in the long run. To learn more about topical steroid addiction & withdrawal you can visit: